i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 0:47:54 GMT
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"death enabled" raid


ONE OCTOBER EVENING, sleep comes to you early. a seductive somnolence lures you underneath the sheets and plunges the heavy head into the void of a plush pillow. as your eyes drift to a close, you swear you see something. a black figure. looming at the foot of your bed with billowing black arms. then nothingness.[break][break][break]


and as swiftly as your eyes have closed, your eyes open. you're not sure where you are aside from "outside." it's cold. your skin is prickled with goosebumps, and you discover many others beside you on the damp, loamy earth. in this all-consuming darkness of night, you can only see the slightest outlines and movements of other figures as they rise, breathe and mumble in confusion.[break][break]

ahead, in the canopy of night, a full moon stares at you quietly as the chilling wind of an unfriendly forest bites your bones. you know it's a forest because the black trees extend into the moon's silver hoop. it's odd. odd that despite the dominance of the lit eye above, that the forest remains pitch-black.[break][break]


you will need a light source. your pokemon are with you. thankfully, you have some familiar company to stave off the anxiety of uncertainty, for after a little while, the earth begins to shift underneath you. something- no, some things course through the grimy dirt. burrowing in and out and across the entire forest floor.[break][break]

it feels like... large earthworms. clammy intestines. fleshy, muscled... and alive. too bad you can't see what they are just yet.[break][break][break]

please ROLL with your introductory post / the next mod post will be on 10/8 PST.


below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.
  • ensure that you have updated your sign-up post with your 6 pokemon & their movesets.
  • please try to post for every round of posting. if you miss a few rounds of posting, that is no issue. however, depending on the mod post, the mod may determine what happens to your character should you miss the round.
  • missing too many rounds will result in lesser rewards or no rewards.
  • this is a horror-themed raid. if there are topics you would like me to avoid, please send me a message on discord or via messages.
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wakes up when "killed".

link to event sign-up page:

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:05:07 GMT
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Pale eyes flicker open, world an unfocused blur of abstract shadows. Bryony breathes in and she swears she smells the earth, the damp dirt and the morning wet grass. Her finger curls into the ground and then she's awake. She pushes herself up, first onto her hands and then to her knees and finally to her feet.

The world is dark except for a moon that sits heavy in the sky. Bryony curls her arms tight around herself and looks one way then the other as she tries to adjust to a darkness that doesn't seem real. She was in bed a moment ago. She was in bed, wasn't she? Her breathing quickens.

Around her, the sighs and groans of people coming to fills the empty air.

Bryony pinches herself but the pain suggests everything's real. She checks herself next: these aren't the clothes she went to sleep in. Her belt sits at her waist, six pokeballs attached. Bryony sucks a breath in and forces her breathing to even. From her belt, she grabs a pokeball, reaching for this one out of instinct. Her charizard is called forth.

Felix' tail casts an ethereal light. The shadows flicker and dance around it. The ground moves and Bryony bites her tongue to keep from making a sound. "Felix - Felix, come here," she whimpers. The charizard snorts but the unfamiliarity of the environment seems to subdue him and he does as told. Bryony is careful as she climbs onto his back, stomach knotting as the earth continues to writhe.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:11:59 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he was among the first to wake up. panic brings his heart rate up as he quickly scrambles to get a pokemon out. fingers would run through all of them, but would pluck out the one pokeball that contained a pokemon he had used the most out of the six.

"electric terrain."

the manectric releases a surge of electricity on the ground as soon as it exits the capsule, the field expanding from his feet outwards. sparks crawl from beneath them, not providing enough lighting, but that was fine. kyle wouldn't like to blind himself from going from pitch black to bright lights all of a sudden. dim was better for his eyes for now.

the electric terrain makes a good job of outlining any obstacle on the ground, consisting of other people and perhaps trees and other vegetation. any disturbances in the area would cause sparks to fly, though they were harmless for the most part. if there were anyone else asleep on the ground, the sparks on the ground would wake them up.

  • kyle takes out his manectric
  • manectric uses electric terrain for lighting
  • ground is now covered with harmless sparks


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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:13:41 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝ i...this unfamiliar, strange...❞

unfamiliar, he'd halt within his walk. it was all unfamiliar to him. agape, hollow hues watched as those around him gathered. some familiar faces, others not. his face, too, had been different. even his getup, for only those who were of rocket had seen his true appearance. his true outerwear, an unfamiliar attire that not even his 'other persona' could adorn.

one could call it 'gothic' if they so chose.

the last thing he remembered was reading a book cataloged by an old rocket associate. he remembered falling asleep within the process, feeling drowsy. now he was here, dressed within an unusual coat; his hair slicked backwards and an unusual cross could be found upon his forehead.

it was too dark, so for now he'd wait. allowing for those around him to light their way within the darkness. his sight maneuvering to the corner to see a young woman (@bryony ) call out a pokemon.


- walks a bit, stops.
- waits for others to call out their pokemon to light the way.
- is chill for now.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:13:51 GMT
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Like waking up from a nightmare, or in this case, into one, Blake hurled his head away from its position on the damp soil. It was normal for him to often question his surroundings after waking up, but this was different. For one, he was outside and for two, he wasn't alone. As usual, Blake's sableye was already out and about, gripping onto its trainer out of caution, but there were also others. Silhouettes of human bodies were scattered around the vicinity, some moving while others barely budged. It was certainly a sight straight out of a horror movie as the fog kept the unknown the scariest thing of all.


"Where are we?" Blake interrogated his sableye, running the digits on his left hand over the left side of his face. Releasing a breath, the gem-encrusted goblin shook its head in response. He didn't know. By pulling himself further up, the trainer embraced the sight of the moon and dug both of his palms into the dirt. It was a necessary tactic in case things went awry. Until then, he'd wait and watch for the other bodies to make their move.








woke up, asked sableye where he was and sat up. ready to move but still on the ground.


[newclass=.blakepost]padding:20px;background-color:#333;border:1px solid #444;width:250px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:Muli;color:#888;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass]
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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:31:46 GMT
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He calls for his pokemon, tonight is a night he is restless and anxious with no reason why. They have helped him sleep before and the feeling is familiar but not theirs. He can tell. Only barely.

Eyes snap open and search his surroundings, his body and mind wake in a trained fashion. He's spent many a night in the wilds and knows the dangers of sleeping unaware. The sky above feels enticing and in moments the earth below is disturbing.

Evan is not scared, not yet, the feeling causes an uncertainty he's familiar with the wrench him into activity though something in his limbs makes hmi want to lay beneath a tree and sleep awhile longer.

He's in the tree in seconds, clambering up to low branch in a practiced motion, bare feet navigating the bark in a surprisingly calm fashion. He silences the part of his brain that wants to yell and question because first he has to find what he can't see. The actions of the others illuminate the area and he realizes his pokeballs are on the strap around his wrist where he keeps them while he sleeps. he taps one and the mimikyu is beside him in a moment.

"Copycat" she responds quickly, copying the electric terrain used by another individual, coursing through the area and the trees with another layer of sparks to amplify the light momentarily and extend the reach of the sparks.

His eyes are on the ground, on whatever was against his bare feet.


>wakes up and climbs up a tree because thats not an okay texture
>releases mimikyu
>mimikyu uses copycat to double up the electric terrain and extend its reach from her position
>evan is on high alert

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 1:48:50 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
Who knew that the day would be outright exhausting?

Lars didn’t even have time to change out of his clothes when he got home that night—barely managing to angle the door open to the simple apartment he rented out in Verdanturf. No time even to kick his boots off, he just went straight for the bed and threw himself down on it, passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Of course, he wasn’t prepared to wake up as soon as his exhausted self had hit the—wait a second, huh? Since when was he lying down on the ground? He thought he felt something squirming underneath his cheek. Reeling from the sheer disgust, he quickly pushes himself up and off the…dirt?

Wait, where was he?

Looking around furtively, he notices that the place is dark—well, it was dark as the effort of several other people gathered had proven to illuminate the area. Quickly searching his pockets, he takes a nervous glance to his left hand and lets out a sigh of relief—okay, the accessory’s there, that’s good—before searching out his pockets.

Hearing the clink and rattle of shrunken-down marbles, he digs around and plucks one out at random, before sending out its occupant. In a flash of red light, he’s greeted with the sight of his Ampharos, Daena. The little red bulb on the end of her tail crackles up slightly as she offers additional illumination to the area around… wow.

That was a lot of people. Some of them, he recognizes on sight. The others, he would have to dance around carefully later. Then again, the weird, ugly feeling he felt coming from the ground wouldn’t stop bothering him. It was like there was something there, and he couldn’t place whatever it was, but holy shit this was a little too spooky, even for him.

Looking up, he sees that the moon is full—but otherwise, everything else outside of the field of vision illuminated by several other Electric-types is just there. Dark. Mysterious. Unknowing.


• Exhausted Lars is exhausted, passes out in what he remembers is his apartment in Verdanturf.
• Wakes up almost as quickly as his head hits the pillow, mind goes “WTAF” at the sudden scenery change.
• Searches pockets, finds six Pokéballs and sends out his Ampharos
• Makes a mental note that the ground is squirming and it’s more than disgusting. Like there’s something alive underneath. But he can’t place what it is


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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 2:48:34 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
the feeling of a static shock was what roused the woman awake. with a gasp for air as though she'd been drowning, the pink-haired woman found herself on the ground, hands gripping tightly onto the ground below. why was her heart beating so fast? what was this feeling? and, more importantly, where was she? one moment, she'd been watching some old soap opera she found and snacking on things she's stolen- borrowed from the others room. had she really fallen asleep in the midst of it all? was this a dream?

'no,' she thought to herself with a frown as she finally pulled herself to her feet, noticing that she wasn't alone. and, more importantly, everyone looked just as confused as she did. a hand that went to rest on her hip quickly found 6 pokeballs attached to the belt she wore. the feeling of the ground itself seeming to wriggle and writhe underneath, as though it were alive made her stomach crawl with unease, her typically sensitive and acute senses were on high alert, and it was making her feel physically sick. 'relax,' she forced her breathing to slow and calm itself.

a hand touched one of the balls on her waist, and from it, her typhlosion emerged. seeing the familiar face she could rely on, she lightly stroked at his head a few times, uttering out a command in low words. august himself seemed to be on high alert, and so, without his usual grump and sass, allowed the collar of blazing flames to light around his neck, bathing them both in its warm glow.

it was then when she spotted a familiar face, @bryony . wordlessly, she went over to the other woman, "fancy seeing you here!" she tried to sound chipper, but, it came out grim more than anything.

- noelle woke up thanks to a harmless shock from the electric terrain
- she's pretty unsettled & calls out her typhlosion as a light source
- approaches bryony b/cus thats her girl


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 3:12:29 GMT
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Arthur gradually woke up, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings after what felt like a long night’s sleep. He was in the dark, lying on the cold ground. He rubbed his face with frigid fingers.

As he sat up from his stupor it’d become apparent that he wasn’t in his room anymore, “Did I sleep walk again?” he yawned, both hands rubbed his eyes as he tried to collect himself for whatever was happening. This wouldn’t have been the first time he had woken up in a strange place.

With a low grunt Arthur stood up and looked around. Nothing. Its seemed he had wandered far from the city this time. He was in nothing but his shorts. Well, they were more boxers than shorts. Boxer shorts? That worked. Cozily in his pockets pokeballs were nestled. He didn’t normally take his Pokemon with him when he sleep walked. Feelsweirdman.

Shivering he’d cross his arms. This was definitely new.

- Wakes up.
- Chilling literally and figuratively super cold.



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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 3:27:05 GMT
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cait awoke to a world that wasn't entirely dissimilar to her own, the feel of untrimmed grass that cushioned her body a familiar one. 


she felt something large nudge her, as though attempting to rouse her from her slumber. after releasing a moan of complaint, she'd open her eyes, drowsy and bemused as she blinked blearily at darkness and the vague outline of trees. cait sat up as she distantly processed the sounds of complaint and confusion that chorused all around her, assisted into the upright position by her venusaur. 

hey, big mama," she murmured, her hand moving to caress her companion's face. "what's goin' on?

her grass-type rumbled noncommittally whilst gently urging the young woman onto her feet.

'we're in a forest surrounded by people. so many people.'

cait's mind began to clear little by little, her eyes widening a fraction as she gaze shifted. 

this isn't -

something was amiss, the girl feeling odd and curiously out of place in a setting such as this one. the scents - the sounds - the feel of it - all wrong. 

'i don't understand.' 

her venusaur rumbled again, the noise comparable to a growl as the earth writhed beneath their very feet. cait felt it through the soles of her shoes, freezing as she peered down at the rippling soil; utterly fixated.

- cait is awoken by her venusaur
-she stands up and takes notice to their predicament
- she feels the earth move and stares at it in shock

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he & they
twenty seven
january 12th
johto, ogi isle
why don't
you give up?
41 height
41 height
the restless is the mind, hollow human.
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jayde cross DOLLARS
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jayde cross
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 3:34:58 GMT
jayde cross Avatar


he never finds sleep as easy as the rest.

darkness pulls on him like a cold wind. the gentle grasp a deception for something he'd thought to be soothing. he can feel his frame falling. in this unlikely reality he jerks awake in the presence of muttering voices. their concern and bafflement whirling around him like a cage. instinctively he raises a hand to the side of his face as the dim light hits their features.

(nobody i know), he thinks, gradually standing up.

the earth feels alive. shifting and breathing in an otherworldly way. however he is still unable to make out the entirety of their surroundings and glances between people with a suspicious look in his eyes. difficult to bear holding another gaze for fear of being recognized. hopefully this was just a strange dream.

tanned fingers brush against his side. at relief that the dangling capsules were still present. at least he wasn't entirely alone.

basically just woke up
minding his own bizniz



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 4:43:53 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

One moment, Thomas was sitting on the recliner, enjoying a drink in a rare moment alone, and the next, exhaustion seemed to hit him like a sledgehammer. Soon, Thomas found himself picking himself up off the ground, practically jumping awake at the sudden change of surroundings. He'd look around to see other figures awakening in the dark. He'd briefly grope around his belt to find that all six of his Pokeballs were on him.

"The fuck is this!?", muttered Thomas.

As he was getting up, the feeling of something crawling along the ground would get his attention. Though he was still wearing boots, having not even had the chance to change out of his clothes, he could still feel the sensation on his hands whenever he'd touch the ground. While others would have their Pokemon attempt to shed light on the area, Thomas himself would grope around, looking for a loose branch, or anything he could potentially Thread make a quick torch for him out of it.


tags: @tag
notes: -Thomas wakes up
-Thomas gropes around for a branch on the ground
-If successful, will send out Thread the Galvantula to coat the tip in String Shot, before attempting to ignite the silk with a light Thunder

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 5:05:01 GMT
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[newclass=.moonlight]width:290px;background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);padding-bottom:30px;border:1px solid #e4e4e4[/newclass]

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Let's face it,

Your replacement is

All the hopes and the dreams

You took right out of me

I've outgrown your

All of your silly little things

Outgrown those silly little games

His hand is around a silhouette's neck, "Don't tell me what to fucking do." He roars, there's a moment when he hesitates, but after it fades he squeezes harder. Snap. A sickening crunch wakes him up, his eyes shoot open, but he is not in his bed, nor is he covered in sweat, nor does he feel the mild air from his barely functional air-conditioner ease his worries. He is cold and empty, it is pitch black, but there is something wrong with his senses. As he gets up he feels as though his intestines are lurching with his steps, the only solace was that, for some reason, there were other shadows alongside him, equally confused and in discomfort.


"Zeus, use your tail light." His Ampharos proceeded to raise its tail, the bauble emitting a pleasant blue light that would usually cut through any shadow. In Olivine, it is said that the lighthouses were watched over by Ampharos to guide lost sailors to shore. Only in this pitch darkness, there was none to be had, light needed to reflect off of objects, and the only thing that was there was more pitch black emptiness. Still, light reflected off of his Pokemon, the last full team that he had. Perhaps they were memories, or shared in this nightmare, either way, he did not wish to stay much more than required.


+ Morgan wakes up with his Pokemon.[break]
+ His Ampharos lights up the nearby vicinity with its powerful tail light.





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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 5:36:00 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

When his eyes flutter open Lucas thought he was in a dream. But as voices call out in bewilderment and a frigid wind much too realistic sends chills down his spine he thinks otherwise. Looking down Lucas found himself wearing different clothes than what he went to bed with. At his belt rest six pokeballs, which only confuse him more.

The scientist's mind began to race with answers on what could be going on. But as quickly as an explanation came to mind it was dismissed. As more and more people began to come too he settles on the conclusion that everything was being caused by dream eater. Either from a stray ghost pokemon that had gotten into his house or his dusknoir who was mad at him for not giving him a pokepuff before going to bed. Whichever it was he is convinced that the people around him are fake. Figments of his imaginations. Their faces belonging to people he saw every day, like his coworkers and friends, or people he passed on his walk through the supermarket.

As lights began to pop up within the crowd and the earth churns Lucas stood rigid. He'd heard about plenty of people that had gone through severe therapy to get over the nightmares endured from dream eater and had no intention of becoming one.

Standing there in the frigid October cold he finds himself thinking back to the Mossdeep crisis, where he felt like he did now. He remembers the words of Victini which act as the spark he needed. Reaching for a pokeball and clicking it there's a moment of shock for Lucas. Out of it comes a normal drampa, having none of the nightmarish characteristics he'd been expecting.

-Thinks he's in dream eater and that the people aren't real
-Released Drampa


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2019 5:36:15 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It's dark.


She doesn't remember when she stood — when she summoned shinx, it's fur flickering singular sparks into the air one by one. Amid the crowd of people, her heart sets a quickening pulse in her wrist. Every face is a stranger. And in the dark — dangerous.

Eager to get more space between herself and others, she gently tiptoes her way through the crowd. Shinx sticks close to her heels — and then it's in her arms, a small yelp, a squirming mess —

And she knows why a moment later, when something underneath her feet shifts. Pulse spiking, she stumbles backward —knocks into something, entire body flinching with the contact.

+ shinx sends off sparks every so often, and it was startled by an earthworm thing, and siobhan felt it moments later, swiftly backpedaling into... a tree? a person? uwu
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing